There are many ways of financing a big purchase. The easiest way, clearly, it’s by paying in cash. However, not everybody counts with sufficient funds to pay for it. The most popular option in this case is to go for a personal loan. As you will find a lot of information about this product, I want to refer specifically to one company: Dial Direct. Once you know about their personal loan’s application, requirements and reviews, you will know if this is your loan lender.
What do I need to go over a Dial Direct loan application?
Dial Direct issues personal loans only. So, you just need to meet basic requirements. Starting, Dial Direct will certify you are a South African resident who hast turned 18 years old at least. To prove those points, they’ll ask you your ID or your license to drive. Following, I must refer to your financial status, of course. Dial Direct will demand you to enjoy from being employed and that your monthly wage is at least 2 thousand rands. In this case, they will also ask for documentation to verify how much you earn according to the type of job you have. Finally, Dial Direct will manage your loan through a bank account, and so they need you to have an open account in a South African bank.
Then, if you have these items covered, Dial Direct will process an affordability assessment to determine if you qualify for the loan amount you’re asking. If you d’ like to know how much you can ask in advance, read the following paragraph as I’ll give you some tips about it.
3 reasons to use an online calculator before applying for a Dial Direct loan
If you have worked with loans in the past, I’m sure you know there are certain details that might prevent you from having money borrowed. It might happen that your loan application is rejected after Dial Direct credit check, for instance. In order to steer clear of an unexpected loan disapproval, I highly recommend you our online loan simulator. The reasons are easy to see:
1 – The applicant will know in anticipation if loan installments are withing their budget.
2 – Having an approximately loan quote in mind will guide the client to consider asking a lower or higher sum of money according to what he or she needs to pay for.
3 – The borrower will have the chance of knowing if another company will offer him or her cheaper installments or no payslips.
I want to talk a little about the last reason as this might be the most useful point of the three, and I’ll explain why. When South Africans ask for loans, we are worried about the cost to pay for the service, and it’s completely reasonable to do so. We want to know if we’re going to be able of paying for the loan in time, and if we might get a lower price somewhere else. If you get to compare different lender’s rates and costs, you will be able of detecting if Dial Direct is offering you the best price for your loan. Of course, you shouldn’t look at cost only, you should consider the whole loan package: interest rates, terms and conditions they state, fees and so on.
What steps must be taken when asking Dial Direct a loan?
Let’s see together how easy you can get access to your loan at Dial Direct:
Get estimated Dial Direct loans interest rates and costs to compare it to other banks. Remember using a loan simulator to have an accurate result.
Review requirements and get documents together.
Present full information about your identity and salary to Dial Direct.
Wait for the company’s response to know if you can go on. If you can, read carefully Dial Direct terms to be sure they are offering what you need.
Accepts your Dial Direct loan’s terms and wait for the money to be transferred into your bank account.
Dial Direct Loan Term’s Reviews – Are they fair?
As I have just mentioned, you should pay attention to every detail about Dial Direct loans. For instance, knowing the terms they offer should be taken into consideration when choosing your lender company. Dial Direct clients that have dealt with their loans have said having an application procedure without having to present an excessive number of documents was a plus. Thanks to that paperless process funds transfers was completed in just a couple of days.
Then, as regards loan amounts, having a top of R250000 might not be the ideal quote for some applicants. All the same, it’s a common number when talking about personal loans, and, once again, it’s one of the reasons why these loans are processed so fast.
Finally, most clients agree that a fixed rate like Dial Direct offers is the best to have payments organized. It allows them to know if they can spend money on other purchases, for example.
What are Dial Direct contact details to get loans?
Reaching the end of this article, all I have left to tell you is how to contact Dial Direct. There are various options. If you need to know where they are placed, their branch is at Telesure Lane in Riverglen. They also have easier means of communications for you to take advantage of, of course. Dial Direct loans contact number, for instance, is 0861007367. On the other side, their email address is, if you feel like writing instead of talking.
Before I close, you must know Dial Direct is open every day but Sundays. They even work on Saturdays and public holidays.
Taking out a loan doesn’t have to be as demanding as everybody thinks. Although it shouldn’t be taken as a minor issue, you can have a better experience by getting all the information you need. This was the aim when writing these lines, and I hope I helped you have Dial Direct loans process clear as water to make the best decision.
Preguntas Frecuentes
How can I know how much I am authorized to borrow?
You can call 0860 10 45 80 or get the company to call you, and ask for a free quote
Can I take out a further loan?
Yes, once you have repayed the first loan, you can take a further loan
The interest rate, what value is it?
At this time it is one of the lowest in the market. Keep in mind that this may vary, so it is always advisable to review it prior to contracting the service. Another possibility is to contact the company, which must inform you of its value at that time. Thanks