Are There Capitec Loans for Pensioners? Options, Application and Interest Rate

Are There Capitec Loans for Pensioners? Options, Application and Interest Rate

Pensioners usually find it hard to apply for a loan from banks. Even if they do find an entity to apply with, they may have some restrictions. If you’re a pensioner I’ll refer to Capitec loans for you and, I’ll also tell you a little about P2P Lending, which can be really convenient for not eligible borrowers.

What are the options for Pensioners with Capitec Bank loans?

    Capitec offers a wide range of alternatives but, for pensioners you may get a Personal loan or, what they call “Credit Facility”, which is a short term loan payable in just 30 days. These two types of loan have basic requirements like, being older than 18 and, get a monthly income and, documents to prove it. That’s why if you’re a pensioner, you can have access to this loan.

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Will the interest rate of the loan be different if I’m a pensioner?

    The interest rates along with the amount of the loan are determined after going through some affordability assessments and checks. This is done with any applicants so, the loan cost will be settled on the result of previous loan payments the Cpaitec’s applicant may have. For example, when borrowers have good credit and, show good payment behaviour in the past, they have more chances to get lower rates.

    Now, if you really need to know more or less how much money you will need or, if you need to figure out how much money can you ask for, you may take advantage of the online calculator Capitec Banks has at your disposal. You will be asked to provide some information and, the result the calculators show, will clarify all this.

Are there other options for Pensioners to get a loan in South Africa?

    As a matter of fact, there’s another way which is getting more and more attractive among applicants. I’m talking about Peer to Peer Lending that works like this: there’s an online platform in which lenders and borrowers meet and, work together. Borrowers upload the loan they need to get and, the lenders go over the applications to decide which loans they will issue. The special feature of P2P is that as transactions are done without a bank, there’s a win-win situation for both parties. This means the borrower will get lower rates than with a bank and, the lender will also have a higher profit.

    Besides P2P Lending, you can search for payday loans companies. As these are loans issued for small sums of money, they usually have lower requirements. Also, you could get informed about pawn loans, which are loans granted in exchange for collateral. This means, you present an object of value and, you get the amount of money that object is worth, when you repay the loan; you’re given your abject back.

How is it possible to follow up the loan granted by Capitec?

    Follow up the loan once you start the application is possible thanks to Capitec Bank’s online tools. After the loan is permitted, you can follow the process via internet by entering into your Capitec account. You will see it’s truly simple and quick.

Can Pensioners apply for the loan online?

    There are 3 ways to get a Capitec Bank’s loan. One of them is online and, the others are in person or, even sending an SMS. No matter which one you choose, these are the stages to follow. You get the estimated cost of the loan by submitting some information. This information relates to personal information about the borrower, their job status and, the loan they are requesting. Bear in mind, you need to support that information with valid documents. Afterwards, Capitec’s assistants will get in touch with you to let you know if you are eligible to get the funds and, the amount you are eligible for. In case you qualify, you’ll obtain the money in your account.

    For an SMS application, the procedure is similar to via your computer. If you decide to go in person, all you need to keep in mind is that you must take the documents to prove your information. These are:

1- Identity Document issued by the South African government.

2- The three latest salary slips to demonstrate you get income on monthly basis.

3- A utility bill showing your physical address. Bear in mind, it could be any other valid document that shows your address.

Let’s check out some Capitec Bank’s reviews from their clients

    One of the most remarkable features of Capitec is that they give pensioners the chance to get financial assistance. We know pensioners get if difficult to gather the requirements to apply for a loan and, even though this company doesn’t allow them to get home loans for instance, they do provide pensioners with options to get economic help if they need to.

    On the other hand, a benefit worth mentioning is Capitec’s assessments over their applicants to see if they can be granted the loan. Whereas this may be seen as a disadvantage by some clients, it represents a positive point and, I’ll explain why. There are entities that will approve your request no matter the amount and, in this way; they may lead you to get in financial difficulty to repay it. If you get behind with payments, you must pay extra late fees, increasing even more the total cost of the loan. What’s more, you may even find it impossible to cancel the loan. So, being granted a Capitec loan will make you feel sure about your monthly expenses.

Before we finish, let’s review important Capitec Bank Information

  • Capitec Bank application can be developed in 3 different ways.

  • The interest rate of the loan will always be established based on the borrower’s ability to pay the instalments.

  • There are personal and short term loans available for pensioners.

  • Borrowers can keep track of their loan in process.

  • Capitec group of consultants are eager to help any client.

If you’re a pensioner needing a little help, you can trust on Capitec to give you a hand. Besides, now you know there’re other alternatives for you to get a loan. So, wait no longer and, go for it.

Preguntas Frecuentes

How much a pensioner can apply for?

Capitec has to know about the complete financial status of the applicant before stating about the loan amount available. Therefore, you have to enter your loan request, in which you’ll present your personal information, to allow the bank to calculate your quote. After Capitec shows you the terms, you can decide to take the loan if you think they’re reasonable.

Can my father (62years) get a loan of r6000? He's the pensioner receiving r1600 per month

Getting just R1600 may not be sufficient to take a loan at Capitec. All the same, he can try to apply to get the official answer as; such answer will be agreed after carefully studying the client’s credit score, income and expenses. If he has a good history on their past loans, he might get the approval for R 6000.

My mother is a pensioner earning 2000 per month, can she get a long term loan of r 20000 from Capitec?

If she has taken loans in the past and she has paid all their liabilities properly, she has chances of Capitec approving this loan request. She will have to pay attention to the sum of money the bank will accept to grant her. According to her credit assessment, the loan terms may differ from what she asked for.

I'm a pensioner and would like to start a small business. Can Capitec help me with the money I need?

Capitec can assist you on your finances but, they don’t issue loans to start a business. If you can take advantage of a personal loan, you can use their money to begin your company. Either way, in your case, it will be more helpful if you take a business loan with, for instance, the First National Bank.

How are the fees for credit facility at Capitec?

For this product Capitec Bank offers, you will pay an initiation fee of just R 172.5. This fee is for the first thousands rands the bank will transfer to your account. After that, it will vary as regards the amount you have available to request. Apart from that, there is a fee you must pay every month of R35.

I want to send my grandchild to do her matric. I get pension, I need a loan of r1500 to pay school fees

Pensioners may find some difficulty when being assisting for a loan. However, Capitec may be the company willing to help you if you get enough income and, have built good credit score. On the whole, the sum of money you ask for and the terms are factors that also contribute to the approval or denial of the request. What you can do is to ask Capitec for an online estimation to find if the amount of money they’re willing to lend you is enough to pay for your needs.

I am 59 year old that took early retirement. I earn r10 000 every month. Is it possible for me to get a loan of r120 000 to consolidate my accounts?

Having such monthly income and being less than 70 years old, we can say you have high chances of getting a loan with Capitec. The only point left you need to consider is your credit score as, this is crucial on the decision making stage. Capitec always checks their applicants have good credit history so they can rely on the fulfillment of the payments.

Hi, I’m a pensioner earning r1600 and I need a short term loan for r7000, do I qualify?

Short term loans, as its name indicates, are paid within few months. This means that the loan amount you receive plus the rates and fees you need to pay for that loan are divided by the period you choose. So, if you ask r7000 over, for instance, 7 months, the monthly cost of the loan would be R1264, depending on the rate you get. Clearly, that would take almost your entire pension. But, if you extended the period over a year, the monthly cost may be round R 793. So, you may ask for an online estimate to see the quote you qualify for.

Can I apply for a loan of r16000 for my car?

Sure! You may ask up to R250000 to spend it on whatever you need. The installments to pay are fixed from 1 to 84 and, the interest rate starts at 12.9%. These are the general terms Capitec manages but, remember your loan will get terms specifically stated after going deeply into your finances. The interest rate, for instance, is directly related to the applicant’s credit profile.

I get 1700 a month, can I get a loan of 3000 to 4000 rands?

If you have a good credit record, you will always have better chances of having the loan request approved. Another detail is in how many months you plan to return the money and pay the interest rate. A useful strategy is to ask Capitec Bank a loan estimate to be clearly shown the loan quote you qualify for and, to go into the process with a clear idea about the total cost your loan will represent.

Can I Obtain a loan to improve my home?

Hello! Yes, you can improve your home with a personal loan and use it for housing needs or you can directly apply for a Home Loan. Home loans are made to improve your home or buy a new property. Please contact capitect on 21 941 1377.

Can I get a loan? I bank with capitec

Yes! By getting your loan estimation or by calculating your credit through Capitec website, you can have an approximate cost of your loan before starting the request. An important detail is that Capitec’s calculator takes the minimum interest rate they charge which may not be the one you get. This means, you will get the official rate and cost of your loan once you go over the loan application.

I am a pensioner of 66 but working still earning r6000 per month and getting a pensioner of r2000. I wonder if I can get a loan

Unless you are paid in cash, meaning without payslips or bank account to check you get that money, you can apply to intend to be approved for a loan. Start your Capitec loan application and, having your income and expenses into account, the company will give you the result immediately. It’s essential you remember the quote they offer may or may not be the one you asked for because it will be determined by your financial status.

I get a permanent Sassa grant I’m 53. Can I get a r5000 _r6000 loan please? I do have a Capitec account

To have a Capitec account will surely make the process goes faster as, your bank details are already in hands of the entity. Yet, that does not necessarily mean you’ll be confirmed for a loan. The positive side is that you meet the requirements Capitec asks from as regards income and age. The one requirement that’s missing is your credit affordability the bank will carry out to give you their final answer.

Will a 68 old man get a loan of 30.000?

There are banks offering loans to people up to 75 years old. The sum of money you ask for is key to the approval of the loan, though. Because the bank needs to make sure you’ll finish paying the money borrowed plus the fees and interest, if you ask for a long term, you can be rejected. On the other hand, if your repayment term is short, your loan can be approved.

I'm a pensioner would like to borrow r50000.00.

As getting a R 50000 loan approval may not be that simple, you should have some points in mind. Take the income you get and subtract all the deductions the Government makes. Then, you need to withdraw the expenses you pay monthly and the financial obligations you may have, such as debts, credit cards, insurance and so on. Finally, you’ll find out how much money is left to use it on the loan installments to see if you can afford a R50000.00 loan.

Is it true that they have different rates in each province?

In fact, interest rates depend on the eligiblity of each customer so that is not the case.

How do I know when I need to make the first payment for my loan?

Your first payment is generally due on the month following the month of application.

I am 63 years old. Sassa pensioner. Income of r1600 a month. Can i get a loan of r2000 please. I am debt free

Of course, you can get a maximum of R 250 000. The first thing you must do is to contact the bank either by phone or email so as to check your affordability and based on yoour income and credit record, the bank. Please phone on 21 941 1377.

Do they have any agents that can come to my home? I have difficulties in getting transportation to get to a branch.

The do not have that service but you can certainly do it over the phone or online.

Hi I am a pensioner earning r4600 and i want a loan of r5000 do i qualify?

The minimum requested is R 2500 so your income is enough and you can apply at Capitec for a R 5000 loan by paying installments of about R425 for a year

I'm a pensioner with an income of 3200 i need a loan of at least R 2000, can i get it?

As long as you have a proof of income, your salary is more than enough so as to obtain R 2000. Remember the company can offer you up to R 10 000 without problems. Of course you will need to have a good credit record with other financial companies and also submit statements with your current bank

I am retired on a pension and looking for R 60,000 to finance a car, how much will i pay?

You can apply for a loan at Capitec so as to get a loan by financing monthly installments ofR 2,605 and interest rates of 4% during 2 years

I want to take my niece back to school do i qualify for the loan even if i get a salary of R 1600?

Capitec loans are given to clients whose payslips or income is of at least R 2500 but you can look for a relative or a trusted person to serve as surety of the loan.

I am 65 years old and still operate my own business where i employ 4 staff members. I need a loan of r20000 for salaries in december 2017 as i have had to lay out a lot of cash for raw materials for new orders. My gross turnover is r60000 and my salary is r25000

You can apply for a loan ofR 20 000 at Capitec and repay for it in 2 years by paying installments of R868,50 and the interest rates will be of 4%

My mom is a 68 and a pensioner earning r4600 every month can she qualify r6000 loan?

Yes, your mom can qualify for a loan at Capitec of R 6000 by repaying for it in a year and the installments, whose interest rate is of 4% are R510,90

I need 2000 emergency plz can i get help?

Capitec has an alternative to get money borrowed fast called Credit Facility. This alternative will let you enjoy money to pay for your cards or, to get cash fast at ATMs, for example. Besides, you can also get cash from supermarkets tills. You must remember, this credit facility has to be canceled completely each month.

How much can I get for a loan if am 67 years?

The loan amount always depends on the money you earn and the money you spend every month. Besides, how you have cancelled previous loans, paid your credit cards and bills will be very important when deciding about how much to lend you. You can take advantage of the affordability calculator Capitec offers their possible clients to know about a loan estimation.

What is the interest rate for Capitec?

At present, Capitec Bank manages interest rates as low as 12.20 % and, as high as 27.40 %. However, if you want to know exactly what’s the interest rate you will be charged, you need to apply and discuss it with the bank. This is so, because the rate they set is based on the applicant’s information and, mostly, on their credit score.

Hi, I just want to know I open an account at Capitec in February and. I apply for pension. My income per month is r3500 and I have no bank statements, can I still get a loan r10.000?

Unfortunately, if not all the requirements Capitec Bank sets are met, you can’t get a loan from them. Among those requests, they ask the applicant to have pay slips and bank statements to show the entity so, as you say you don’t have them, this bank can’t help you with your loan request. You may look at Absa to see if you can get the money.

I'm a pensioner, how can I apply for a loan?

The best you can do to start your loan request is, first of all, find out about the cost the bank will charge you for the money borrowed. You can do this with our loan simulator which, in fact, will show you the cost of the loan for many banks. This way, you’ll clearly see which of those banks charges the lowest rate.

My granny is a Sassa pensioner, does she qualify?

Banks usually sets their clients must have 75 years old maximum to have access to their loan products. So, to start, your grandmother may qualify if she is that age or younger. Then, there aren’t many banks in South Africa issuing loans to pensioners but, she can look for other alternatives like, for instance, Peer to Peer Lending.

I’m 65 years and, I wish to apply for a loan from Capitec. Do I qualify?

As regards your age, yes, you can apply if you are 65 years old as, the top age allowed to get loans, in most cases, is 75. Then, whether you qualify or not will be stated having in mind other aspects. For example, if you have a job and you get your salary through a bank account. Also, how much you earn from that job is essential for the approval of the loan.

I’m a pensioner getting r1420. How much do I qualify?

Pensioners have a great alternative that may work best for them: Peer to Peer lending. P2P works this way: you enter a platform and submit your loan request and, your personal and financial information. Then, there’ll be many investors analyzing your request to see if any of them can assist you on your loan. Finally, if any investor chooses you, you’ll agree the terms for the loan and, you’ll get your financial support.

Good day, I’m a pensioner with a permanent income and, I need a loan of r15 000 and will repay it in 12 months. How much is the installment?

A 15000 rands loan to cancel in just 1 year will have a monthly cost of 1557 rands, supposing you get the lowest rate of 12.40%. As Capitec Bank’s interest rate ranges from 12.40% to 27.75%, the cost of your loan will vary according to your rate. If, for example, you get the highest rate, you will have to pay around 1674 rands per month.

Where can I apply on line for a loan?

There are many entities granting loans online. You can go over different ways. For instance, you may find the application button in their website or, you can send them a message for them to get in contact with you. As regards the documentations you need to submit, you can also do it through the internet or, you can reach a branch to make sure everything is ok.

I am a pensioner and I have an existing account. Do have freelance work that give me some other extra income. Can I have a loan?

Having that freelance work will absolutely help you to get a loan. However, Capitec Bank does not work with self-employed South Africans. You can, either way, try with First National Bank as, they do accept self-employed citizens. To be approved, you need to show your banks statements from the past 6 months showing stability on your income.

Can old people get a loan?

Yes, of course they can! Even though it may be more difficult for them, it is possible if you aren’t older than 75 years and, if you have no problem on showing regular income. Keep in mind, that income must be sufficient to pay for the loan and, also, the bank will carefully study your payment capacity and credit score.

Hi I'm 89 years and I need a loan, can capitec bank assist me? I need r5000

I regret to inform you that due to your age, you may find some big difficulty on getting a loan. You can try another alternative, though. For instance, as you only need R5000, you can search for payday loans which are paid in just 1 to 6 months. Some lending companies granting these short terms loans are Wonga and, Letsatsi Finance

Good day, I'm a pensioner with a permanent income from of r7550 a month, I would like to make a personal loan of r10 000 terms of 54 months if possible. What’s the cost?

Capitec Bank may offer you a rate of 14.20 % for a 10000 rands loan over 54 months, which leaves the monthly installment on 383 rands. All the same, the monthly cost can be different if your loan gets a higher interest rate to pay for. I must also refer to the fact that you’re a pensioner and, Captec requests applicants to show their pays lips to apply.

Am an old man and I need a r10 000 loan, is it possible to get one at Capitec?

It will be possible for you as long as you’re under 75 years old and, you receive monthly and stable income to afford paying for the service fees and interest rate charged apart from the money you took. Bear in mind that as Caitec sets personalized loans, the amount and terms may be different than the one you asked for.

Can I apply online with Capitec for a pensioner loan?

Capitec Bank provides their clients with few alternatives to apply for a loan. For example, if you like face to face interactions, you can visit any of their many branches in the country to deal with the process in person. But, if you prefer to do it from your home, you can either call them on the phone or, get through the procedure online.

Allan Gray pensioners can also apply for a loan?

Yes, if you meet the requirements and you have your South African documents to present, of course. If you meet these two points, then, you’ll be under some checks the bank carries out to inform you about the approval of the loan and, the loan terms you can apply for. This means, the bank may offer you a lower amount.

Can a single mother with one child get a loan of r5000?

If you get paid for a job, yes, you have chances of getting a loan. Of course, you will get the loan confirmation as long as you can present he basic documents banks ask for to know who you are, where you live and how much money you receive monthly. Apart from those points, they will check your credit history.

I am a pensioner, can I get a loan?

Capitec does not offer pensioner loans per se. Still, you may apply for a regular loan or for a credit facility. This financial resource works as a payable loan in thirty days and it is short in term. You will need a monthly income to apply, but most of its requirements are basic and you may meet them.

I’m a pensioner and receive a pension from Transnet, plus rental of property Total R10800. I need cash to do repair work on my house after hailstorm amount R38000 over 4 yrs. Do I qualify to obtain a loan from you? My house is fully paid for and I have no debt or dependents.

You will be able to ask for a loan at Capitec if you can provide the bank with your pension receipts and bank statements. You can start your loan application online where you will find out if you can borrow the number you need; this will be assessed by checking your affordability, banking history, and other records.

I am a pensioner, I want to know how long does the loan process take? I need this loan like before Friday

When applying for a loan at Capitec or any other bank, the time for the loan process varies. Sometimes it may take just a couple of hours and some other times it may take days. For the process to run smoothly, it is advisable to have all the documentation at hand and own a good credit record.

Can capitec bank borrow money to someone who is self-employed and banking with capitec. No payslip.

Unfortunately, up to this moment, Capitec Bank requests clients to provide payslips in order to prove that they have regular income and job. But don't be discouraged, there are other reliable financial institutions that do offer loans to self-employed individuals. Find which they are in our articles about types of loans.

I want a loan as a pensioner, please help me.

At Capitec, you can ask for a personal loan with really flexible repayment periods. This loan can be very useful for pensioners such as yourself; depending on your specific financial situation, you might be able to ask for as much as R250,000. Also, Capitec offers fixed repayments and convenient interest rates.

I want a loan as a pensioner. Please help me, I want a loan of 250000

When pensioners need a R250000 loan, this is the moment in which a loan application may take the longest. When the loan amount is the maximum that a client can apply for and a pensioner is the one who needs it, Capitec will go through every item of the loan application. You can apply but they may ask more documents.

My husband get a monthly pension of R3300 from Sanlam can he qualify for a loan of plus minus R100000. Many thanks have a wonderful day.

The amount your husband earns each month is one of the factors that Capitec will consider in the process of deciding if they can lend the money to him. However, it is not the only one. Things like his banking history, other expenses, credit records, and the like will also play a part in this decision.

My mom is a pensioner and don't have a bank account, how can she apply for a small loan?

One of the requirements for people to request personal loans at Capitec Bank is having a bank account, since the money from the loan will be paid through that channel and because one of the requirements is to provide latest bank statements where the payments of the pension are made.

Does Capitec give people with disability grant from sassa loans ? If it is permanent?

No, if you are a beneficiary from a SASSA grant, you will not be able to ask for a loan at Capitec because this company. However, there are other institutions that lend money to SASSA grantholders. Check out our web to find all the information about these loans and the companies that offer them.

Do you give loans to people who have retired?

If you are retired and receive monthly payments that can be proved with payslips and you have a bank account where those payments are made into, then you will be able to request a personal loan at Capitec. This company offers a maximum of R250,000 that can be paid out in up to 60 months.

I'm getting a payment of disability permanent at sassa and child grants of my 3 kids. May I qualify for a loan?

Unfortunately, at this time, Capitec does not offer personal loans to SASSA grant recipients. You will need to prove that you have income from a permanent job in order to ask for a loan at Capitec. Check other options by reading our articles about financial institutions that work with clients in your situation.

Hi, my parents are pensioners who get sassa grants about R1800 per month each. My mum use capitec bank as my father uses standard bank. So they like to know is it possible for the bank to loan them at least R10000?

Capitec Bank does let pensioners to request personal loans at their institution. However, these loans are not specific for pensioners. This means that there are no benefits or special conditions for them. SASSA recipients would not qualify as pensioners since they are not receiving a pension but help from the government.

I'm not a pensioner, I get a child support grant for one child can a get a loan, I want to start a business.

If you need a loan to start a business but you don't have a way to prove a regular income, this bank will not be the one to go. You should read our articles about loans provided or facilitated by the Government. You will find these articles under the title Loans per Type.

Can pensioner get loan 77 years?

Capitec Bank offers personal loans to all individuals who can prove they have a regular income. For people to qualify, they must be over 18 years old. However, the age limit is usually 63 years old in most banks. You should contact Capitec to know about their age limit and see if you can qualify.

My mom went to Capitec bank to apply for a loan, but she didn't qualify because she is 77 yrs old.She is earning government pension fund.

We're sorry to hear your mother could not qualify for a loan at Capitec for her age. However, there are other ways to get finance for pensioners. We urge you to read our articles to find out where to apply for these loans and what documents your mother will need.

Hi I bank with Capitec as a Sassa pensioner, do I qualify for a loan?

You will not qualify for a loan at Capitec as a Sassa pensioner since this banks requests clients to provide them with their payslips. This is to say they only work with people who have a permanent job. For more information as to how to find loans as a Sassa pensioner, please refer to our articles on that topic.

How much can I barrow?

With Capitec bank, you can ask for a personal loan of up to R250,000. You will be able to use this money for whatever purpose you might have. For instance, you can use it to buy something you need or to pay for a holiday. This maximum amount will depend on your affordability.

I get sassa disability R2100 a month. Can I get a loan at Capitec bank? I am at Capitec.

Being a recipient of Sassa disability pensions is not a qualification for gaining access to Capitec loans. This bank asks their clients to provide them with salary slips from their permanent employment. For information about how to get a loan as a Sassa pensioner, please refer to our articles on our web.

I need a loan. I am a pensioner I need loan up R2000. I received the amount of R2200 and other a month that I received accept the pensioner, can you help?

At Capitec Bank you will find credit facilities for those people under employment. As a pensioner, if you receive salary slips, you might be able to qualify. You could try requesting the loan online and wait for Capitec to make a decision regarding your petition for a loan with them.

If you are 68yrs old ,can you get a personal loan of 20,000?

If you are 68 years of age but you hav pay slips proving you earn a regular income, you might be able to ask for a loan at Capitec of R20000. However, you will only know this when you provide Capitec with all your personal information, specially when you tell them how much you earn.

I am 65 years old and receive a pension from GEPFI R11000 per month. Do I qualify for a personal loan at Capitec?

Yes is you receive a pension and have the documents that prove this, you might be able to ask for a Capitec loan for pensioners. However, you should also consider that your affordability and credit record will be taken into account by Capitec to assess if it is safe for them to lend you money or not.

I am a pensioner can I apply for a loan?

Definitely, yes. Capitec Bank offers a great variety of financial plans to suit everybody's monetary needs. If you are a pensioner, you can easily apply for a loan poven that you keep a positive credit record and that you are capable enough to afford the instalments. Based on your pension (more than two months), the bank will decide the amount of money whcih you will have access to.

My husband earn R11000.00 from pension fund. He has a proof of income. He paid up and closed all his accounts so he did not have a credit. Only medical aid that he paid every month. Can he get a loan?

With a pension of about R11000, your husband can be easily qualified for a personalised loan. Capitec Bank will carry out a complete assessment on his financial situation. If the outcome is positive, then he will be eligible for a loan. Also, it is important to keep a solid credit record and affordability to pay the instalments. 

I want to know how to apply for a loan with p2p ive tried to click on it comes back website cant be reached im a pensioner and in need of a loan of 2000 that i can pay off in instalments if possible..thank you

If you are experiencing problems with the online banking system, there is the option of downloading the Capitec banking app on your phone. The app is safe and easy to use. Clients can check their account balance, loan status, etc. You can also apply for a loan of 2000 rand and make immediate payments with this method. 

I am 64 turning 65 in April, recieves R17200 pension from gepf do i qualify for a loan?

If you are a pensioner currently earning a pension of about R17.2000, you might qualify for a loan with Capitec Bank. The company requires the clients to have poof of income (at least more than a two month salary) and a positive credit history. Consider that it is important to have sufficient means to afford the instalments. 

I get a Gov old age pension of 1900. Can I get a loan 2.000?

There is not a specific line of credit designed for pensioners with Capitec Bank. However, two main requirements to apply for a loan with the bank is to have proof of regular income and a positive credit profile. So if you comply with these two factors, you might be granted a loan of 2.000 rand. 

I'm an old banker with Capitec. Can I get a R7000 loan?

Capitec does not offer a loan for pensioners specifically, but you can apply for a personal loan of 7000 rand. Providing that you comply with all the requirements such as having a favourable credit history and enough affordabilty capacity, there will not be any problem for you to obtain the money you need. 

I'm a Sassa pensioner, can I get a loan with Capitec?

Unfortunately, you are not allowed to use your social grant, SASSA, to request a line of credit with Capitec. The requirement for a potential client who is interested in obtaining a personal loan with the bank is to have a regular monthly income with proof of income. This includes showing the last three consecutive salary deposits. 

I'm a very old client of Capitec; I do receive a foster child grant of 2,000 rand monthly, could I qualify for a 7,000 rand loan?

If you are an old client of Capitec and are interested in applying for a personal loan of 7,000 rand taking into account your child grant of 2,000 rand, the bank will determine how much money you can obtain. Depending on several factors like your monthly income, your affordability capacity and your credit history, the bank will make a final decision. 

Hello, please, can you advise me how to apply for a loan? I am a pensioner.

There are no specific loans for pensioners with Capitec Bank. However, you can apply for a personal loan providing that you have regular income. The main requirement is that you show proof of income, including the last three consecutive salary deposits. The company will ask you to show your recent bank statement as well.

I'm a pensioner and my grant is deposited at Capitec. I need to borrow 5,000 rand.

There are no specific loans for pensioners with Capitec Bank, but you may ask for a personal one if you need to borrow 5,000 rand. The only crucial requirement that applicants must comply with is to provide proof of income, that is to say, you should show your latest payslip and recent bank statement. 

I am a state pensioner, I would like to apply for 5000 rand. Thanks.

If you are a state pensioner and wish to apply for a loan of 5,000 rand with Capitec Bank, you need to comply with all the requirements. According to your financial situation and your income, the company will determine the amount of money you can access. It will also depend on your affordability capacity. 

I'm a pensioner, so can I get a loan with Capitec bank? Because I use it for my SASSA pension.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to obtain a loan with Capitec Bank as a SASSA pensioner. This is so because you are not allowed to use a social grant to obtain money from the bank. Also, the entity requires its clients to be permanently employed and provide proof of income. 

I bank with you and I need a personal loan.

As an experienced client of Capitec Bank, it will be very easy and simple for you to obtain a loan with the entity. First, you need to comply with two main requirements. They include being permanently employed and being able to provide proof of regular income. According to your affordability capacity and income, the bank will determine how much money you can access. 

Good day, I'm a SASSA pensioner. I need to confirm if I can get a loan of 1,000 rand. The reason is that I have built a tenant's room, so there are few things which I must finish up for the tenant to move in and with the rent money I will start paying back for 6 months. Your help will be appreciated.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to obtain a personal loan with Capitec Bank, being a SASSA pensioner. This is so because you are not allowed to use your social money grant to apply for a loan with the company. If you wish to borrow money (1,000 rand) to finish building your tenant's room, you should be permanently employed and provide proof of a regular monthly income. 

I'm a pensioner and need a loan of 5,000 rand, please.

As a pensioner, you will be able to obtain a personal loan of 5,000 rand with Capitec Bank as long as you provide proof of regular income and three consecutive monthly deposits. If you comply with these criteria, you will qualify for a line of credit with the bank. Consider that based on your income, the amount of money to access will be defined. 

Is it possible for me to apply for loan while I am not working. I am self-employed.

Sadly, you will not be able to apply for a personal loan with Capitec Bank if you are not currently working in a formal way or if you are self-employed. It is crucial to be permanently employed, to show proof of income and provide three consecutive salary deposits. The bank will analyse all the information and will decide the amount of money to lend. 

If I receive a SASSA pension and am older than 65 years of age, applying for a personal loan, what amount would I qualify for?

It is important to notice that if you are a 65-year-old pensioner with a SASSA pension, you will not be able to apply for a personal loan with Capitec Bank. This is so because SASSA pensioners are not allowed to use the money from a social grant to apply for a loan. 

Can a pensioner apply for a loan with Capitec?

A pensioner can apply for a personalised term loan with Capitec Bank as long as the client follows the criteria required by the bank to qualify for a loan. In other words, it is important to have a regular monthly income and provide proof of it, like bank statements and payslips.

Hi, my mum is 74 years old. She receives a monthly allowance of 8,000 rand every month from my brother for taking care of the grandchildren, and she receives a SASSA pension, both these amounts are transferred to her account every month, will she be able to apply for a personal loan?

Sadly, your mother, a 74-year-old pensioner, will not be able to obtain a personal term loan with Capitec Bank. If she receives an allowance of 8,000 rand, she needs to show proof of this income by, for example, providing payslips. The bank requires its clients to have a permanent job and show evidence of this employment. Also, SASSA pensioners are not allowed to use their social money grant to apply for a loan. 

Hello, I just need to find out a loan for a pensioner and I do have a security.

As long as you show that you have a monthly regular income plus complying with all the criteria, you will be able to obtain a personalised loan with Capitec Bank. In other words, there are no specific loans for pensioners, but you can apply for a regular and unsecured loan with a repayment period of 84 months. There is no need to present a collateral or asset. 

I'm a pensioner, I need the amount of 10,000 rand, is it possible to get it?

To determine if you can be eligible for a personalised loan of 10,000 rand, Capitec Bank will analyse all your documentation and financial situation. There is no a loan for pensioners per se, but you can apply for a line of credit as long as you have a regular monthly income and a positive credit profile. 

I am a pensioner receiving a SASSA grant and have a paid up house I can use for collateral. Will I be able to get a loan?

As a general rule, SASSA pensioners cannot use their social grant money to obtain a personal loan with Capitec Bank, even if you can use your house a collateral. In order to qualify for a loan with the company, you need to meet some requirements, for instance, presenting three salary slips that prove that you have regular monthly income, and proof of residence together with your ID. 

I am a mother to my daughter, and I am getting her child support grant, which is 480 rand. Can I get a short term loan of 200 rand?

Unfortunately, if you are getting a child grant support of 480 rand, you will not be able to apply for a short term loan of 200 rand with Capitec Bank. This is so because the bank requires the clients to hand in proof of income by showing their recent payslips. Also, you will need to present your latest bank statements. 

I receive a permanent disability grant. Do I qualify for a 70,000 rand?

This determination will be made by Capitec Bank. Usually, in order to apply for a personal loan, you need to count with a regular monthly income which can be demonstrated by payslips. If you have a way to prove your monthly salary, a permanent disability grant. Then, you will need to meet all the other requirements to qualify for a loan.

How much can Capitec give to a pensioner?

Capitec Bank does not offer specific lines of credit for pensioners. Instead, they can apply for a personal loan if they meet all the requirements. Providing that they present proof of income, have a bank account and count with a regular monthly income, they will be qualified. In a repayment period of up to 60 months, pensioners can obtain a maximum of 250,000 rand. 

I’m a pensioner and need a loan of R50,000 to be paid back in one month time.

If you are a pensioner and are looking for a personal loan of around 50,000 rand with Capitec Bank, you have the option to pay it back in 60 months. It is also important to consider the interest rate set by the company. For example, the rates can go between 11.75% and 27.25%. These numbers should be taken into account when paying the loan back in one month. 

If I get an old age pension, and I am a Capitec client, how do I apply?

There is no a specific loan for pensioners available with Capitec Bank. As long as you provide all the necessary documentation and comply with all the requirements, you will be able to obtain a loan. Therefore, it is important that you provide proof of monthly income and recent bank statements. Also, clients should have a positive credit history.

Do you get it the same day if you are a pensioner?

As with every loan application process, it may take some time for Capitec Bank to process all the information in order to grant money. Remember that the company carries out an analysis of your financial situation, credit history and all the documentation that you presented. In general, you can receive an answer within 5 business days. 

I'm a pensioner, can I apply for personal loan of R6,000?

Capitec Bank offers personal loans to clients who comply with all the qualifying criteria. Therefore, if you apply for a 6,000 rand, you need to present the following documentation as a pensioner. The required paperwork include a valid South African ID, three latest salary slips and a bill that certifies your home address. 

Can Capitec Bank lend me money while I'm still waiting for my lump sum payment?

Capitec Bank will grant a personal loan to clients providing they hand in all the documentation required and that you comply with all the application criteria. Once you submit the application form, it will be subjected to a credit check and affordability capacity to determine whether you obtain the loan. Those are the conditions to qualify, even if you are waiting for a lump sum payment. 

My money does not go into my Capitec account. I'm a pensioner in need of a small loan of 6 to 8 thousand, how do I go about it? Please.

In your case that your pension money is not deposited in your Capitec Bank account, but you are looking for a small loan of 6 to 8,000 rand, the advice is to contact the customer service department to check the qualifying criteria. Probably, you will need to gather some documentation such as proof of income, bank statements, ID copy, among others. The entity will analyse all your information and determine how much you can obtain. 

Morning, I'm a pensioner. What is the minimum amount of a loan on a short period of time?

As a pensioner, you should know that Capitec Bank does not offer a loan specifically for pensioners, so you can ask for a personal one. The minimum amount of money you can apply for is 1,000 rand to be repaid in a short period of seven to twelve months. Bear in mind that the interest rate is about 9%. 

I'm getting SASSA money of R350, so can I get a loan?

Unfortunately, you will not be able to use your SASSA money grant of about 350 rand to apply for a personal loan with Capitec Bank. This is so because Capitec Bank does not allow clients to use this money as a loan application requirement. It is important to have a regular income and provide proof of this by showing payslips, for example. 

I am getting a disability grant of R2,000 for life and want to make a loan of R1,500, will I be able to get a loan from Capitec?

In this case, it is advisable to communicate with the customer service department from the entity (Capitec Bank) in order to determine whether you can access a loan of about 1,500 rand. Usually, the company will analyse all your financial situation (including the disability grant of 2,000 rand), and affordability capacity to decide how much money you can obtain.

Hi, I need to help my mother to get herself a personal loan as she is a pensioner. How you can help me?

If your mother needs a personal loan as a pensioner, she can apply for it with Capitec Bank, which offers different possibilities.  Please, contact the customer service department to check eligibility criteria, age and income requirements. For sure, they will inform you which documentation your mother needs to present and will tell you to submit an application form. 

I'm a pensioner 61 years of age and would like to apply for a loan of R2500. Do I qualify?

As a 61-year-old pensioner looking for a personal loan of about 2500 rand with Capitec Bank, you will be able to obtain money providing that you have a regular monthly income. There are no specific loans for pensioners granted by the bank; you just need to comply with the basic requirements. 

I need to buy shares from another service provider. I hope I can qualify for the amount of R,5000. By all means, I am a pensioner of 62 years.

If you need to buy shares from another service, in this case, Capitec Bank, you will need to meet the qualifying criteria: having a valid South African ID, a bank account and a regular income (a pension). For example, for a loan of 5,000 rand with a repayment period of 84 months and an interest rate of 9%, you will be paying instalments of 184,64 rand. 

How much can I qualify for if I earn 2,700 rand as a pensioner?

If you are a pensioner looking for a personal loan with Capitec Bank with a regular income of 2,700 rand, you will be able to qualify for a loan of 15,000 rand approximately. The amount of money you can request will depend on your affordability capacity, the interest rate (9%) and the repayment period (up to 84 months). 

I need to borrow 6,000 rand. I’m a pensioner. Furthermore, I can pay it back over 6 months.

As a pensioner, you can apply for a personal loan of about 6,000 rand with Capitec Bank following the eligibility criteria. Also, you need to consider the interest rate which can be set to 9%, for example. As regards the repayment period, the minimum time allowed is 7 months, instead of 6. Therefore, you will be paying monthly instalments of 1,146.55 rand approximately. 

Would it be possible for me to get a loan of R2,500, seeing that I am a pensioner?

Of course, it will be possible for you to obtain a personal loan of 2,500 rand with Capitec Bank as a pensioner as long as you comply with all the eligibility criteria. Considering that the interest rate is about 9% and the minimum time for the repayment period can be set to 7 months, then you will be paying 623,38 rand per month. 

I am a 61-year-old Sassa pensioner, will I be able to apply for a loan?

If you are a 61-year-old SASSA pensioner, you will be able to apply for a personal loan with Capitec Bank as long as you provide you have the means to afford the monthly fees. The bank will assess whether that income is sufficient or not to borrow money. Please, check the lending criteria. 

Good evening, I bank with Capitec. I am no longer working but get an income of 15,700 rand every month. I need 4,000 urgently to assist my mother with medical costs.

If you are banking with Capitec Bank and you are no longer working, but you have an income of 15,700 rand, then you will need to be subjected to a financial assessment carried out by the bank. Some factors will be considered such as your income, financial situation, affordability assessment and credit profile. If you comply with the qualifying criteria, then for sure you will be able to obtain a loan. 

How much can you give a pensioner who was a government employee?

In order to know how much money you can obtain as a loan with Capitec Bank being a pensioner who was a government employee, you will need to comply with all the qualifying criteria. The bank will assess if you have the means to afford the fees. Also, your credit profile and financial situation will be taken into account. 

I am a Capitec Bank customer and a pensioner, but I'm having a registered small business with a Ned Bank account, will I qualify for a loan?

It depends on the type of loan you are looking for. If you need a business loan and your business is already registered with Nedbank, then it might be easier to borrow money from that entity. Now, as a pensioner and customer of Capitec Bank, you will be able to obtain a personal loan providing you comply with all the qualifying criteria.

I don't work and live with my daughter and son-in-law, how much can I get from Capitec?

If you do not work, unfortunately you will not be able to obtain a personal loan with Capitec Bank as the entity requires clients to provide proof of income. Now, if you are a pensioner and have a certificate or documentation that reflects how much you are paid per month, then you will be able to apply for, for example, 1,000 rand to be repaid in a short period of time (7 to 12 months).

Good evening, my mom gets a SASSA pension. She's 70 years old. Her money goes into her Capitec account, does she qualify for a loan?

Unfortiuntaltey, your mother will not be able to obtain a personal loan with Capitec Bank if she is a SASSA pensioner. This is so because SASSA pensioners are not allowed to use their money from a social grant to apply for a loan with Capitec. However, there are other private companies such as Pension Loan which can grant up to 7,000 rand. 

I am receiving a SASSA grant and getting it at ShopRite store. Can I qualify for the personal loan at Capitec Bank and how much can I qualify for? I am receiving R1,000.

If you are receiving a SASSA grant and getting it at ShopRite store (1,000 rand), you may qualify for a personal loan at Capitec Bank. However, the bank will take into account some factors to grant money. Some of them are your credit score, income and expenses. The whole application process can be carried out online. 

I am 63 years old receiving a SASSA pension of R3,500, can I qualify for a Capitec loan of R10,000?

If you are a 63-year-old pensioner receiving a SASSA grant of 3,500 rand, you can still qualify for a loan with Capitec Bank. However, the entity will analyse some factors to determine if you can obtain 10,000 rand or not. These factors include your credit score, income and affordability capacity. 

Hi, I am a SASSA pensioner, aged 60. I just opened an account with Capitec, but I have a 3 month Tyme bank statement, can I get a personal loan between 300 and 500 rand?

As a SASSA pensioner, aged 60 years old, with a recent Capitec Bank account, you may qualify for a personal loan. You will be able to obtain up to 500 rand if you apply online. Nonetheless, the amount you will be able to obtain will depend on certain factors such as your affordability capacity and credit profile. 

Please, can someone call me? I need a loan. I am a pensioner.

Capitec Bank offers a great range of possibilities regarding loans for pensioners, which can include personal loans and credit facilities. These are short-term loans which can be fully paid in 30 days. You just need to meet the qualification criteria such as having proof of income and a good credit profile. If you need more information, you can visit the nearest local branch or contact the customer service department by phone.

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