Quote Oakhurst Car Insurance | Be protected and Save Money

Quote Oakhurst Car Insurance | Be protected and Save Money

Are you having trouble shopping around for car insurance? Are you doubting about which company to buy it from? As we know how difficult it is to keep track of the best covers, we are eager to show you in this article what Oakhurst is willing to provide you on their insurance products for vehicles. After reading these paragraphs, it will be much easy for you to decide if this is the right company for your car. One of Oakhurst advantage is they allow their customers to get their car insurance quote online which, together with this information, will make things much simpler for you. 

What does OAKHURST offer in their Comprehensive Car Insurance? 

Oakhurst is a well-known insurance company working in South Africa and, as such, they have a wide variety of car insurance products to choose from. One of their coverage, Comprehensive, will be at your side if you cause an accident with your insured vehicle and you are responsible for covering the cost of the other persons involved in it, as it includes liability cover. Of course, because we are talking about comprehensive cover, Oakhurst will pay for the damage your own car may suffer in an accident. But Oakhurst will also take care of the situation in case of theft or damage to your car due to fire. We can easily prove this is a fine car insurance plan covering for the most common problems a car may have to deal with in South Africa as, the other options leave out many of the risks undertaken here. Bear in mind, the quote for such package will be higher than the other alternatives.

King Price Car Insurance, choose the excess that best suits your budget.

King Price Car Insurance

Choose the excess that best suits your budget. Emergency assistance 24/7, for when you need to be rescued.

Are there extra benefits of choosing OAKHURST Platinum insurance for my car?   

It sure does! If you buy Platinum Cover with Oakhurst, there’ll be an extra package of benefits for you. Those are:

  • Getting a contribution for rental car or, a vehicle for you to use while yours being repaired.

  • As Oakhurst knows going through an act of violence can have some serious trauma, they offer you to pay for professional therapy.

  •  They also give you compensation in case of death due to an accident with your car.

  • Finally, they also give you a contribution for total disability due to a vehicle accident.

You can clearly see these are some good points to take into consideration when deciding on the level of insurance to take. Even though we hope none of these issues to be real, it’s important to be prepared for any circumstance life throws at us. In such case, you will get suitable assistance to facilitate such a traumatic process.  

What are the most relevant reviews about OAKHURST Car Insurance? 

Among the comments about Oakhurst car insurance, we can detect some good reviews from their clients. For example, they claim their consultants were friendly and polite to explain all the alternatives on car insurance they offer, specially considering such myriad of options. Following, they knew how to take advantage of the many plans to completely cover their vehicles and themselves when driving around. In addition, one of the most claimed benefits is the Good Driver Programme Benefit. In this program, those who are responsible drivers get to enjoy from a discount on their premiums. Oakhurst pays attention to the client’s behavior when driving to calculate a score after a while. Then, you can get 25% or 15 % less on your premium, assuming you have excellent score. At last, there are a bunch of alternative covers that deals with specific parts of the car like, for example, chips and scratches and lights and mirrors.

How much should I pay on Excess with OAKHURST Car Insurance?

When referring to car insurance, you will find you have to pay excess if you get to make a claim. This is so because the company only pays for a part of the total cost. How much excess a client pays for depends on the level of protection chosen and, the premium paid monthly. Consequently, the higher your premium, the lower the excess to pay. On the contrary, if you pay less each month, you will have to pay more excess if you need to lodge a claim.

What’s involved on OAKHURST Excess Buster car insurance? 

Continuing with Oakhurst excess, they provide their customer with a solution to avoid stressing about such payment. They call it Excess Buster and, it involves you paying for this extra cover to get rid of that unfortunate excess payment. This is just a point to have in mind when discussing the little details of your car insurance policy trying to imagine how would you feel if an accident occurs and, trying to have the least stress possible.

OAKHURST Car Insurance: Contact Details

If you have noticed Oakhurst is a trustful company to get car insurance with, you can get in touch with them to start asking for your quote. If you are not in a hurry, you can write an email to info@oakhurstins.co.za and wait for their answer. But, if you want a faster response, you can make a phone call to 08 61 001 041. As you have information about Oakhurst car insurance, you will go over the process much faster.

OAKHURTS Car Insurance

Contact Number



Your car must be registered and, you must have your driving license.

Car Insurance main Benefit

Lower premiums for good drivers.

By having right insurance, citizens can travel without stressing about negative consequences. Luckily, Oakhurst has succeeded on presenting some amazing car insurance packages to make it possible for South Africans to drive with peace of mind around the country. Now, it’s up to you to choose a policy and a company you trust to give you what your vehicle needs. Surely, have just read many reasons to get Oakhurst car insurance but, if you read about WesBank Car Insurance, you’ll have a reference to compare quotes with before finally selecting your company. What’s more, you ought to delve into other companies as well to easily detect the best cover for your car.

Preguntas Frecuentes

Will the possessions I have inside my car be covered with Oakhurst?

Yes, you just have to ask for Vehicle Contents Cover to add to your Comprehensive insurance.

What cover will pay if my car’s totally damaged?

Oakhurst has Total loss cover for such case but, you must know, this plan doesn’t cover any damaged made to your car.

Is it worth to make a claim only for scratches?

It’s not recommended as; you waste the chance of claiming in case of a major problem. Unless you have special cover for scratch and dent, for instance, you may consider not to use your comprehensive cover for such little detail.

May I get a car insurance qoute?

Yes, of course. The Oakhurst Car Insurance Company provides clients with different insurance policies to choose from. With only simple requirements, possible customers can benefit from a wide range of coverage. For instance, all that the clients need to obtain insurance is to have a valid driving licence and their car registered. 

I need insurance for Uber business.

If you are looking for a car insurance coverage for your Uber business, then you can choose a Comprehensive Car Insurance Plan. This is a good alternative in which you will have protection against damages, and it also includes liability cover. Also, the company will be in charge in case of theft or fire. 

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