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About Us

QuotesAdvisor.com is a financial comparison website for SouthAfrica. The financial products that we compare are Loans and Car Insurance. Our main objective is to help people to choose the most convenient product for their needs. If you have any questions please contact us via email at info@elmejortrato.com.

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How do we get the data we show on our website?

We gather data automatically and manually by researching, calling and looking websites at each financial company we show on our site. Our team periodically checks the market to update the changes the financial companies make in their products

There are some companies that may not appear on our site due to lack of information or by request. In any case we are always available and open to incorporate more companies and informacion.

We do our best to give the most updated and accurate information but we can’t guarantee that it is a hundred percent correct so the user should double check the information with each company.

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